"3 FACES" 2015 LEAP INTO THE STORM - The opening track of the album is a light, mid tempo Rock song. It very much reminds me of Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers with that laid back, cool style. It is a Country Rock Pop track which includes a great guitar solo interlude at around the 3 minute mark!It is a fine album intro! ANSWERS - This is an unusual and strange track. The music is Alternative 80s Pop Rock and that is fine by me. I am never negative in my reviews but the singer Billy Anderson's vocals seem a little out of place in the song. The monotone Bob Dylan style drops the song into bland territory. It seems to just meander along and the vocals just don't work for me, but it is just my opinion. The music is great but is dragged down by the voice. However, the big redeeming feature is the 20 seconds or so Rock guitar near the end but its a little too late to save it. More of the guitars and a different singer may have got fi